IPv6 records, now available!!

No-IP now supports the creation and setup of IPv6 (AAAA) records via the web interface. This is a feature available to our Plus Managed DNS users that have already received IPv6 records from their ISP or bandwidth provider. Please note that IPv6 is not yet supported by our software update clients.

IPv6 is the internet protocol version 6 that is set to replace the current version 4 sometime in the next upcoming years. IPv6 was introduced in 1998 and as of 2008 is being used by about 1% of the internet addressable devices in the world.

For more information on IPv6 records please take a look at this article.

  1. where could i set this setting? in my plus panel i only find DNS HOST(A) yet.

  2. ddurrer

    If you go down just a few fields on that page you’ll see a section named advanced records. Click the IPV6 link. You will still need to specify an ipv4 A record as well.

  3. Shine


    can not find the section too; may be I am no “Plus managed user”?!

  4. Shine


    ah .. you have to modify a host .. only this page contains the ipv6 setting.

  5. Hi!

    I’d like to add static IPv6 addresses to my no-ip.com dyn-IP host names. I am no “Plus managed user”. When will this be available to free users?



  6. Thanks for the comment! Unfortunately, IPv6 is not supported on our Free DNS, you must upgrade to No-IP Plus for IPv6 support.

  7. But this is 2011. Are you serious?

  8. That blog was posted on 06/19/2009…

  9. I think IPv6 should be available also on Free DNS.

  10. Erik

    Is there any update on IPv6 for free accounts?

  11. Hailee Vance

    We currently allow you to make hostnames using IPV6 but our dynamic DNS doesn’t currently support IPV6. We are working to get this added soon.

  12. Otho


    Do you know when will the dynamic DNS support IPV6 ? Will it be available for free accounts ?

    Thank you

  13. Hailee Franco

    We are working on to support IPV6 but at this time we are not sure when it will be available.

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