How Do I Change My DNS Servers if My Domain is Registered with GoDaddy?

To modify, add, or delete nameservers (DNS) for your GoDaddy domain(s), just follow these simple steps:

  1. Login to the GoDaddy Account Manager.
  2. Click on the “+” sign next to “Domains”.
  3. Locate your domain name and click “Manage” on the right side of the domain.
  4. Under the “Settings” tab you will need to locate “Nameservers” and click “Manage”.
  5. Bubble “Custom”, then click “Add Nameserver” and enter the Nameservers below. Click “Ok”, then click “Save”.

Note: DNS server changes may take 24-48 hours to update or propagate throughout the Internet. You will see downtime during propagation.

DNS Nameservers: