Import an SSL Certificate to IIS

After exporting an SSL from a server, you can import it into a new server. If you have been following our SSL guides, importing a certificate to IIS can be accomplished by using the Microsoft Management Console (MMC)

Using the Windows toolbar, search for MMC and run the program.

mmc example

On the toolbar at the top, navigate to File > Add/Remove Snap in….

add or remove snap

On the Available snap-ins list on the left, add the Certificates Snap-in. With Certificates under Console Root, click OK.

Add Snap-in

Click on Certificates found under Console RootRight Click on the Personal Folder and navigate to: All Tasks > Export.

Console Import option

On the Certificate Import Wizard window, click Next.

Certificate Wizard welcome page

Click Browse and select the certificate you exported. It should be a .pfx file if you followed our export guide. Once you have selected it, click Next.

Import file specification

Enter the password you generated during the export and select Mark this key as exportable. When done, click Next.

Private Key Password Entry

Select Place all certificates in the following store and select the Personal folder. Then, click Next.

Certificate Store Specification

Click Finish to complete the import.


After the import is completed, you still need to re-configure the site bindings as was done during the installation. Those instructions can be found on our installation guide.