How to Setup Server Monitoring

The purpose of this guide is to provide you with general instructions for configuring Basic and Advanced Monitoring

To configure No-IP Basic and Advanced Monitoring:

  • Login to
  • Click on the “Server Monitoring” tab under “My Services”.
  • Click “Actions > Configure” next to your domain.
  • Click “Add Monitor.”
  • Select the service (HTTP, FTP, TCP Etc) you want to monitor from the drop-down menu and click “Next.”
  • Choose the hostname that you would like to monitor.

No-IP Monitoring

Now that the target of the monitoring service is defined you can configure the monitoring rules.

  • Select the port to monitor
  • Extra Drop Down
  • Select “Document Root” unless you have a file hosted with the same name scheme in the drop down list.
  • Active: To start Monitoring immediately, I would choose “Yes” to activate. If you signed up for the Advanced package, you can enable failover support for this host by clicking “Yes” on “Use Offline Settings”. Make sure you set up your offline settings for this host under the “Plus” link on the top left when you are done, if you have not already.
  • Primary / Secondary Contact: Define where you want the alerts sent. Example (enter your primary email address for primary, and if your cell phone can receive emails you can put that for the secondary. This way, you can be notified on both if Monitoring sees a problem.
  • Notify On: Determine when you want to receive notifications. You can select different rules in the “Notify on” list.
    Example: If you want to know about anything that happens, on your primary contact select “All Events.” For the secondary contact, you could be more selective and choose “Critical and Recovery.”
  • Click “Add” and that’s it. Your service will be checked the next time the monitoring service runs. You can go view how it is doing at the “View Status” link under Monitoring or under Manage Monitors.

Now that you have Monitoring configured, you can add more monitors to keep an eye on other services that you have.

Do you still need help? Here are some additional guides:

Setting up Advanced Monitoring

Monitoring your Web Service with No-IP